
IEEE Smart Grid Research: Control Systems PDF Download


IEEE Vision for Smart Grid Controls: 2030 and Beyond, Reference Model and Roadmap (Bundle)
standard by IEEE, 11/21/2013

Formats: PDF   In Stock



– Active.This IEEE bundle consists of IEEE Vision for Smart Grid Controls: 2030 and Beyond, IEEE Vision for Smart Grid Control: 2030 and Beyond Roadmap, and IEEE Vision for Smart Grid Controls: 2030 and Beyond Reference Model. IEEE Vision for Smart Grid Controls: 2030 and Beyond highlights the role of control systems in the evolution of the Smart Grid. It includes an overview of research investigations that are needed for renewable integration, reliability, self-healing, energy efficiency, and resilience to physical and cyber attacks. The roadmaps parent document, IEEE Vision for Smart Grid Controls: 2030 and Beyond, discusses many topics that outline the evolution of the Smart Grid and the opportunities and challenges that it presents for control, ranging from generators to consumers, from planning to real-time operation, from current practice to scenarios in 2050 in the grid and all of its subsystems.

Product Details

9780738188263, 9780738188270
Number of Pages:
File Size:
1 file , 5.4 MB
Product Code(s):
STDBN98483, STDPDBN98483